What symptoms might I have?

  • Back pain which goes round your side to the front or in to the groin is typical for kidney stones.
  • Kidneys stones can cause blood in the urine, this will usually be when you also have pain from kidney stones. If there is blood in the urine and no pain this could be an important sign of another illness and you should discuss with your doctor.
  • Kidney stones can block the urine from coming out of the body, when this happens it is more likely that you will also get an infection in the urine or in the kidneys around the stone. This can make the urine smelly and cloudy and can give you fevers.
  • Often kidney stones are a one-off event. However if it is something that happens more often, it is important to investigate why you keep getting the kidney stones. This is because over time the inflammation from many kidney stones can cause permanent damage to the kidney.
  • If you would like to find out more about some diseases which cause recurrent stones click here

A Patient Journey

Investigations and Diagnosis

Treatments and:
What’s next?

The treatment plans suggested by your doctor will depend on the results of the tests you have at the clinic. Treatment may include a change in diet or various medications (tablets or injections). Your doctor will discuss with you the options, risks and benefits of the different treatments.

Dietary advice

Avoid consumption of: Green Smoothies/Juicing — Spinach — Rhubarb — Almonds — Tea — Multivitamin Tablets

Instructions for 24 hour urine collection

  1. You will be given a special container for your 24 hour urine collection. Some containers have a preservative, usually a liquid acid in them. This must not be thrown away.**
  2. You must be careful not to touch this liquid as it can burn.
  3. If possible it is easier to do the collection on a day when you are at home
  4. Start when you usually wake up in the morning (e.g. 8am), empty your bladder into the toilet and flush away. You will now have a an empty bladder and the collection can begin from now. Write down the time and date on the label provided.
  5. For the next 24 hours you must collect all the urine that you pass in the container (if easier you can use a smaller jug to transfer urine into the container)
  6. At the end of the 24 hours (eg 8am the next day) empty your bladder into the container for the last time. Make sure all the details on the label are filled in. Take the container to the reception at …

Download these instructions (PDF)

Information about genetic testing

Information for professionals 

Information for patients



Charité Campus Mitte
Medizinische Klinik mit Schwerpunkt Nephrologie und Internistische Intensivmedizin

Prof. Dr. Felix Knauf

Dr. Gerlineke Hawkins-van der Cingel